Wednesday, 2 September 2015

Book Review

Book: Victory and the All Stars Academy by Stacy Gregg
This is a book in a series by Stacy Gregg, and I have read about seven others. I like this series because it is dramatic and it is about horses.
At the beginning of the story, Isodora, the main character, goes to Australia to compete in a competition at Haven fields. 
Isodora is the main character in all the books. She is funny, intelligent and loves horses.
In Australia, Isodora competes in the horse riding competition and her team wins. 
The drama in this story is that they find a puppy and there all think that he killed some sheep, what he actually didn't kill any  sheep, but they didn't know that. Until Isodora went to go and fined the puppy because he ran away when she gets to the blueberry paddock she sees the puppy herding the sheep up like a sheep dog but he wasn't herding them up to kill them he was protecting them from the big dog looking at Isodora.

I recommend this book to anyone who likes horses and animals and stories with drama.

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