Sunday, 8 November 2015

The first apparitions of Mary

There was a girl called Bernadette she was born in 1844 January the 7th and died on the 16 of April 1879.She lived in Lourdes.When all Bernadette's family finished dinner on Thursday before Ash Wednesday, Bernadette's mother asked to talk with her children and said that they ran out of wood in the house. Bernadette and her sister,Toinette and a neighbor friend,Jeanne Abadie, walked to the river gave to collect wood. They had to cross a canal cold water. Fearing that she would fool in and die.When she got to the other side of the gave they sore wood so they collected it all and brought it home when there all was on there way home Bernadette herd a noise like a storm but she couldn't see what it was but then she sore Mary the mother of Jesus so Mary walked with her.

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